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With CÈL·LULA #5, a second stage of this program begins with the support of the II Pla d'Impuls a la Dansa, which will allow the continuity of the project that accompanies and supports large format creation

The auditions were held from January 29 to 31, 2024 and 319 people showed up, of which a selection of 10 dancers was made (Amanda Rubio, Jacob Gómez, Lara Misó, Marta Santacatalina, Blanca Tolsà, Alejandro Fuster, Paula Parra, Wilchaan Roy Cantu, Joan Ferré and Edoardo Brovardi). Throughout the creation process there will be different open rehearsals: June 20, July 5, September 13 and September 26 (only for members and ambassadors).

The new Mercat’s CÈL·LULA project is carried out by Paloma Muñoz, choreographer and dancer, she has worked with companies such as IT Dansa, Metros, Ramón Oller, Thomas Noone Dance and Norrdans. In 2018 he founded his own company, Siberia. The resident artist at the Mercat de les Flors, is in the process of creating his new piece that will premiere in the fall of this year.

PALOMA MUÑOZ presents La Quijá from 3 to 7 October 2024 at Mercat de les Flors

CÈL·LULA #5 is part of II Pla d’impuls de la dansa de Catalunya 2023-2026, an initiative of: Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Associació de Professionals de la Dansa de Catalunya (APDC), Associació de Companyies Professionals de la Dansa de Catalunya (ACPDC) and Mercat de les Flors. With the collaboration of Consorci Transversal, Xarxa d’Activitats Culturals, Especial Dansa – Ajuntament de Tarragona and Associació de Professionals de la Gestió Cultural de Catalunya (APGCC), and the complicity of several municipalities, organizations and stage facilities in Catalonia.

This promotion plan consists of 9 specific measures that aim to encourage the presence of Catalan professional dance throughout the country, create quality employment, promote professional training, and promote greater dissemination of dance and movement arts in the public sphere.

A project by:            With the support of: