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Nothing enjoys a positive existence. Everything that exists is possible only on the basis of a series of absences that precede it, surround it and allow it to possess consistency and intelligibility.

Nothing enjoys a positive existence.

(Ghosts of my life:
Writings on Depression, Hauntology and Lost Futures,
Mark Fisher)


Archives, memory, history and the body continue to be core themes in Hacer Historia(s), which in its fifth edition also address the cyclical sense of life, in this evolution where everything is constantly changing.

Today, the shadow of the apocalypse hovers over our lives, our narratives and our health. How can we extract ourselves from this imaginary, how can we create havens, how can we take care of ourselves and open ourselves up to other narratives? In short, how can we continue to generate a world?

With a two-week programme that includes dance, performance, meetings, laboratories and other artistic contexts, we immerse ourselves in transformation as a response to the processes of finitude, to face the new breath of the future.

Hacer Historia(s) v.5 offers a programme that allows us to enter internal processes that modify our social, cultural and temporal conception of the world and that connect with the capacity of contemporary creation to find other poetics, other ways of relating and other performativities.