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The Match (2004)

November 27 and 28
  • Duration

    55 minutes

  • Rate

    18 €

  • Schedule

    dissabte 20 h, diumenge 18 h

  • Room


Meditation-like exercises that focus on the mysterious movements of dancers and their personal and spatial relationships, as well as the way Hay distributes the dancers in space.

Choreography Deborah Hay / Original lighting design Jennifer Tipton / Reworked lighting design Ivan Wahren / Costume Marita Tjärnström / Dancers Adam Schütt, Anand Bolder, Louise Dahl, Vincent Van der Plas
Year of creation February 2004, Danspace, New York / Premiere Cullberg Tanz im August, Berlin 23 August 2019

This show is part of DOPODO, a European project to support dance in mature ages, as well as to support its transmission

Dance On, Pass On, Dream On

Conversation after the show: November 27. With Deborah Hay, Jeanine Durning (rehearsal director) and dancers (Adam Schütt and Louise Dahl). Led by Bàrbara Raubert