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Desplaçament variable

From 17 to 20 October
  • Season


  • Duration

    75 min

  • Rate

    12 €


    10 €

  • Schedule

    20 h (dg 18 h)

  • Room

After intensive research in the archive of the Mercat de les Flors (closed for some years), Quim Bigas presents a documentary piece that becomes a choreographic piece based on the displacements of solo choreographies preserved in an archive specialising in dance.

Quim Bigas works in the fields of dramaturgy, choreography and documentation. He approaches dance through his interest in composition, the act of talking, exercising and meeting.

Idea, direction and choreography Quim Bigas / Creation and performance Søren Linding Urup, Aina Alegre, Sílvia Sant Funk / Discursive team Ana Buitrago, Carme Torrent, Jorge Blasco / Arxival documentation Raquel Tomàs / Scenic space Ángela López / Lighting design and technical manager Toni Ubach / Sound space Pau Matas / Costume design Søren Linding Urup / Costume maker Ana Vivero / Graphic documentation Guillem Pacheco and Aessia Bombaci  / Production Anna Bohigas / Thanks to Manel Alcobé
Coproducction Mercat de les Flors / With the collaboration Graner fàbrica de creació, La Caldera Arts del Moviment, Cal Gassol. Centre d’arts escèniques de Mataró, La Poderosa, L’Estruch-Ajuntament de Sabadell / With the support Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Cultura

Friday, October 18: Conversation after the show

Saturday, October 19: Dramaturgies of Debate