Free access, limited capacity
10 €
18h (4, 5 juny) | 19h (25, 26, 27 maig i 1, 2 juny) | 19.10h (28 maig) | 20h (3 juny)
A sample of the artistic work of students from the Rogelio Rivel Circus Arts School, a national and international benchmark and training platform for most circus artists, who start off at this school and often complete their training in schools around Europe. A show based on the individual research of 4th-year students and offering short performances including acro dance, cyr wheel, trapeze, acrobatic balancing acts, the Chinese pole and corde lisse.
RECOMMENDED AGE from 6 years
Performers Iliane Borràs (Palo Chino), Marc Bosch (Fixed Trapeze), Amalia Hidalgo and Maria Antònia Roig (Acrodanza), Marino Loyzeau (Rueda Cyr), Hannes Berger (Vertical) and Laura Raya (Smooth rope) / Direction Tere Celis – Anne Morin / Sound design Col·lectiu / Lighting Julián Del Campo Gil / Conception of space and set design Tere Celis / Photography Eli Mora / Video Alex Siles
Production CAC Rogelio Rivel / With the support of Institut de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona and the Department of Culture of the Generalitat