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Creators in residence (ENResidència)

‘Creadors EN RESiDÈNCiA als instituts de Barcelona’ is a program of the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona and the Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona, designed in cooperation with A Bao A Qu organisation.  EN RESIDÈNCIA introduces contemporary creation in the public high schools of the city, through the direct and continuous contact of a creator with the students.

The purpose of EN RESIDÈNCIA is to invite a creator to develop and share a work, developed in collaboration with high school students and with the signature of the artist himself, that is, with a professional commitment. The creator must convey everything that involves performing an artistic work, must include young people and make them part of the whole process. A good way to start causing an artistic dialogue is through their works to generate others. To accomplish this, the institute must be involved. On one side, it must be understood that this is a transversal work where different subjects collaborate, and on the other it is necessary to choose a tutor who will lead and will encourage the class group. The creator will go to the institute two hours a week and the transversal work will be a mixture of the contributions of the artist, the young people and the teachers. The idea is to generate artistic pollution among them.