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Una conferència ballada (A danced conference)

27 to 29 May
  • Season


  • Rate

    12 €


    10 €

  • Schedule

    20:30h (dg 18h)

  • Room

The new show by Toni Jodar/BdDansa, lying somewhere between a conference and a danced action, looks at the recent history of the languages of dance and movement and the current trends. This exploration uses references to dances and movements that have shaken bodies up, in conjunction with events that have changed the world. A shift of paradigm where numerous trends provide the basis of fusion and experimentation with new forms, as well as the reinterpretation of the traditions.

A Conference Danced proposes answer to question of the public: Andwhat after Pina? As a continuation of the original piece, Toni Jodar explains Modern and Contemporary Dance.

Script Toni Jodar, Helena Tornero
Dramaturgy Helena Tornero
Support for stage production and design Alex Serrano, Helena Tornero 
Design  Àlex Serrano and Jordi Soler
Lights Llorenç Parra
Internacional management  Àlex Pujol, Tinglado
Comunication team Gerard Ramon, Sara Peralta and Pol Angusto
Research and preparation of content Bàrbara Raubert, Toni Jodar
Executive production Beatriu Daniel

Co-production Mercat de les Flors
With the collaboration of L’Animal a l’ Esquena, El Graner, Centre de Creació del Cos i el Moviment, Centre National Danse París, Art-Club  Shanghai, La Caldera, Centre creació de Dansa, Paso a dos, Fabra i Coats Fàbrica de Creació de Barcelona.
Supported by Cultura Ayuntamiento de Mataró, L’Estruch Sabadell, Sismògraf Olot.
Project subsidised by Generality of Catalonia, City council of Barcelona, INAEM.
Gratitudes to Ilia Mayer, Ana Teixidó,  Anna Vallés, Ana Hopfer, Gala Jodar, Marta Serrahima, Laura Kumin. Montse Otset, Marc Artigau, Joan Anton  Daniel, Roberto Fratini, Victor Molina, Boris Daussà-Pastor, Alexis Eupierre, Institut del Teatre, Anna Romaní, Sivgin Dal, Carmen Gómez, Albert Bassas, Sergio Pla Roig, Maria Ferrandiz Tarruell, Ruth Talavera, Claudia Nogués, Agnés Muñoz, Ignasi Dalmases, Esther Faig, Xavi Rovira, Toni Roura.