60 minutes
16€ (under 14 years 8€). Check season pack for families
10 €
19 h
The yurt of Los Galindos, a small tent that provides this circus company with an endearing intimacy, is once more the space for its latest production, an exercise in research and the rediscovery of physical capabilities and of the emotional confrontation of individuals with themselves.
Winner of a Catalan National Culture Prize in 2016, Los Galindos is a leader in the Catalan circus world. Since its inauguration in 1991, the company has created 13 shows and been a pioneer in the incorporation of the flying trapeze in street circus acts.
Artistic Direction Bet Garrell, Marcel Escolano – Los Galindos / Concept and artistic creation in ring Anna Pascual, Bet Garrell and Marcel Escolano / Technician and builder Benet Jofre / Production Los Galindos
Coproduction Kulturzentrum Tollhaus Karlsrhue – Germany, De Mar a Mar – Pyrénées de Cirque – France / Spain / With the aid of Fira Circ Trapezi de Reus – Catalonia / Scheune Schaubuden Sommer Festival, Dresden Allemagne – Passage Festival, Helsingor – Dinamarca / Teatre Auditori de Granollers, GPS- Catalonia/ Teatre d’Olot – Catalogne / Ajuntament de Cardedeu – Catalonia / Territori Creatiu – Fira Tàrrega- Catalonia /Baigorri Garazi – Baxe Nafarroa – France / Ballobar – Baix Cinca – Aragó / Ajuntament de Vilanova i la Geltrú- Catalonia / Creation supported by Territori Creatiu – Fira Tàrrega 2017 / Ca L’Estruch – Sabadell / Can Gassol – Mataró / Cronopis, Can Fugaroles – Mataró / Cecuca – Cardedeu / Roca Umbert – Granollers / Baigorri Garazi – Baxe Nafarroa – France / La Central del Circ -Barcelona / CRAC (Centre de Recerca de les Arts del Circ)- Catalonia / With the support of ICEC (Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals, Generalitatof Catalonia); IRLL (Institut Ramon Llull)
#LosGalindos #UduL