1 hour and 45 minutes
25 €
10 €
20 h
This show is included in Quinzena metropolitana de dansa
A piece inspired by the nature of the Carpathians, in Romania, the last natural stronghold of our old continent. Traces explores the tension between a time that has been stopped and a time that is advancing directly, thoughtlessly, wildly. A time in the animal world that contrasts with time in the human world.
Direction and choreography Wim Vandekeybus / Created with and performed by Alexandros Anastasiadis, Borna Babić, Maureen Bator, Davide Belotti, Pieter Desmet, Maria Kolegova, Kit King, Anna Karenina Lambrechts, Magdalena Oettl and Mufutau Yusuf / Music composed and recorded by Trixie Whitley, Shahzad Ismaily, Ben Perowsky and Daniel Mintseris / Special guest on guitar Marc Ribot / Movement assistant German Jauregui, Iñaki Azpillaga and Flavio D’Andrea / Storyline Wim Vandekeybus / Dramaturg Erwin Jans / Costume Design Isabelle Lhoas / Costume assistant Isabelle De Cannière / Scenography Wim Vandekeybus & Tom de With / Stage Manager Thomas Glorieux / Sound Design Christian Schröder / Light Design Wim Vandekeybus & Francis Gahide / Lights technician on tour Francis Gahide / Bear Costume Design Jan Maillard / Paintings on stage Patrick [Bob] Vantricht
Production Ultima Vez / Co-production Europalia Romania, Concertgebouw Bruges, KVS Brussels and La Rose des Vents Villeneuve d’Ascq / With the support Tax Shelter measure of the Belgian Federal Government, Casa Kafka Pictures Tax Shelter empowered by Belfius. Ultima Vez is supported by the Flemish Authorities & the Flemish Community Commission of the Brussels Capital Region.