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Sweet Tyranny

27 to 29 January and 3 to 5 February
  • Season


  • Duration


  • Rate



    10 €

  • Schedule

    20 h (dg 18 h)

  • Room

Using the iconic choreography of the musical films of the 70s and 80s, Faura draws an analogy between dance as evasion and ecstasy and dance as a job and profession. A show featuring a team of performers, rowdy but committed, lying somewhere between disco and the dance studio, between partying and work, between individual freedom and collective obligations. It is part of a trilogy.

After graduating from the Amsterdam School for New Dance Development (SNDO) in 2006, Pere Faura joined the Frascati Theatre in Amsterdam as resident choreographer, where he created most of the shows he has presented internationally. In 2011 he returned to Barcelona. Pere Faura’s work is characterized by the appropriation of elements of pop culture such as striptease, disco music, musicals and porn, remixed into a multidisciplinary choreography that combines all the devices of theatre.

Concepto, dirección y coreografía Pere Faura
Dirección y dramaturgia Esteve Soler
Dirección y espacio escénico Jordi Queralt
Intérpretes Laura Alcalà, Sarah Anglada, Miquel Fiol, Claudia Solwat, Roser Tutusaus, Javi Vaquero, Pere Faura
Textos Esteve Soler i Pere Faura
Diseño de luces Jordi Queralt i Sergio Roca Saiz
Música y sesión DJ Amaranta Velarde
Diseño de sonido Ramon Ciércoles
Documentación audiovisual y edición video Joan Escofet
Asesoría coreográfica Jefta van Dinther, Anna Rubirola
Diseño de vestuario Jorge Dutor
Coordinación técnica Sergio Roca Saiz
Producción ejecutiva Sandra Casals. Blancproduccions
Management Iva Horvat

Una producción de la compañía Pere Faura en coproducción con el Mercat de les Flors, Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint Denis y el Festival Sismògraf
Con el apoyo de L’animal a l’esquena, La Caldera, La Visiva, Graner fàbrica de creació
Con el apoyo especial Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya
Agradecimientos Ivana Müller

#PereFaura  #sweettyranny

Half an hour earlier on 28 January