10 €
20:30h (dg, 12h i 18h; dissabtes i div. 3 de gener, 18h i 20:30h)
Sonoritats is the new show from Camut Band. This piece recreates the magical world of the dancers who make sounds and music with their feet while dancing. Choreographies a cappella with sound effects. Interaction between live music and virtual sounds. Real-life materials such as wood, metal, sand and plastic will be the guiding thread and starting point of the dance, which will express the emotional state and visual aesthetics of the moment, creating sound sensations that lead to rhythm and dance.
The company Camut Band was founded in 1994 by the brothers Rafael and Lluís Méndez, choreographers and percussion dancers, and Toni Español, leader of the Cae MaDeila company. With their first piece, Entre pies y manos, they won a Barcelona FAD award. They went on to create shows like Keatoniania, with pianist Jordi Sabatés, and La vida és ritme, touring all over Spain. In 2001 they launched their international career and since then they have won creative and artistic recognition from the press, as well as the acclaim of the audience in New York, Toronto, New Haven, Hamburg and Genoa.
Creation and direction Camut Band
Music and choreography Lluís Méndez, Toni Español, Rafael Méndez, Guillem Alonso, Sharon Lavi
Performers Toni Español, Rafa Méndez, Lluís Méndez, Guillem Alonso, Sharon Lavi, Maria Bossy, Cristina Méndez, Jordi Grifell, Estefania Porqueras
Production Kiting Kita SL
Co-production Mercat de les Flors
With the collaboration of Temporada Alta, the autumn festival of Catalonia