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Session 7 IRREGULAR SECTION: ‘Perdre’s pel camí + Cap a una estètica de la bona voluntat + Sense títol’

April 25
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    10 €

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Perdre’s pel camí (Losing One’s Way), by LUZ BROTO

Despite coming from the visual arts, Luz Broto often works with the presence, space and placement of the bodies in a way that on some occasions seems to evoke theatre and, on others, choreography. Faced with the invitation to develop a piece in the context of theatre dedicated to the body and movement, as is the case at the Mercat de les Flors, her proposal for session 7 in the Irregular Section is based on the usual movement of the audience in the theatre, but it aims to displace this audience along an indeterminate route of variable duration, starting in the Pina Baush auditorium, where Amaranta Velarde’s piece finishes, and ending up in the Maria Aurèlia Capmany auditorium, where the show by EVOL begins.

Luz Broto’s approach generates situations that involve devices, uses or dynamics which act on the different spaces where she performs. She has developed specific projects for such diverse venues as La Panera Art Centre (Lleida), Institut für Raumexperimente, (Berlin), Secession (Vienna) and La Casa Encendida (Madrid). She has received production grants from LiPac-MasterPlan (Buenos Aires) and BCN Producció (Barcelona) and also won the Miquel Casablancas award.

Cap a una estètica de la bona voluntat, by AMARANTA VELARDE

The piece is inspired in the future imagined by Houllebeq in his book The Elementary Particles, in which a new human species, through its own genetic manipulation, has overcome today’s suffering based on ontological paradigms of gender and sex, the individual and society, finiteness and immortality.

The work delves into a choreographic vocabulary that enables the performers to develop, question and investigate concepts such as deliverance, emptiness, dissolution of the sense of individuality and sublimation, instigating their possible existence or paradox within the context of a performance

If this new species were possible, would theatre have a place in a society in which the sources of tension had disappeared? Is it feasible to imagine and simulate the possibility of this mutation? What perceptions and sensations would the new species experience? Can we anticipate ourselves and envisage the everyday glory of this new species? Can we assume the constant sublimation of this new biological makeup?

Can we project a utopian scenario where these beings, as yet fictional, can emerge?

Concept and directed by Amaranta Velarde
Performance Amaranta Velarde and Diana Gadish
Dressing Les Brontë (Victoria Macarte and Rosa Tharrats)
Music Jim O´Rourke
Ilumination Oriol Blanch
Thanks to Carme Torrent and Carmen Menéndez

Supported by Graner, L’animal a l’esquena, La Poderosa and ARTAS
Production Mercat de les Flors

Untitled, by EVOL

Consciousness as a filter. The correlation between the models of reality and our sensory systems. Keywords: spotlights, loudspeakers, synthesis, diffraction, optical illusion, duality, visible/invisible, audible/inaudible, contraction/expansion, distortion of space-time, rave.

EVOL is a computer music group formed by Roc Jiménez de Cisneros and Stephen Sharp. Their work is an exploration of algorithmic composition and a deconstruction of rave culture. Their work has been released on labels such as Editions Mego, Presto!?, Entr’acte, fals.ch and ALKU. They have performed live and created installations at galleries, museums, and clubs in Europe, North America and Asia.

Special thanks to lightlumina.com