10 €
20:30h (diumenge 18 h)
A tramp chooses a street junction as a temporary shelter; he makes two barriers into the doors of his universe, a bridge becomes a boat and a sculpture, his travelling companion. In Réfugiée poétique the character of the tramp provides a metaphor for vulnerability and serves Ducreux in facing what she herself considers her “basic artistic and human challenge: the search for authenticity and humility in order to share simple emotions and real moments of theatrical magic.”
Réfugiée poétique emerges from the desire to bring her two latest highly acclaimed street solos to life onstage, Barco de arena (Big Prize MiramirO, 2009) and La sonrisa del náufrago1 (2012), which along with De paseo (special award at the comic street artists’ festival in Leioa – Umore Azoka 2004) make up the series «Trilogía del vagabundo».
Claire Ducreux obtained a diploma in 1992 from the contemporary dance section of the National Conservatory of Music and Dance in Lyon and went on to spend a few years as a dancer in several French companies. In 1999 she founded the Leandre-Claire company with the clown Leandre Ribera and together they created the street act Fragile and theatre show Madame et monsieur, which both won awards and toured many countries for several years. Apart from her solo career, she has participated as a dancing clown in the circus show Rodó (National Circus Prize of Catalonia, 2006) and along with Toni Mira she created and performed En attendant l’inattendu (audience award for the best show at the Manacor Theatre Festival, 2010). She continues to perform her shows all over the world.
Creation and performance Claire Ducreux
Original music David Moreno, Jorge Sarraute, Mayte Martín
Sculptor Eduardo Cuadrado
Lighting Nani Valls, Rafel Roca