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April 26 and 27
Popup - Descomptes

Recommended from 12 years

In Rel i Grapa the dance positions the body on the threshold between tradition and modernity in an attempt to interweave memories into the expression of the present. Dance and music, performed live, propose a dialogue between traditional and contemporary elements, reinventing the expression of roots in the present day. This work is a vindication of their origins with a contemporary viewpoint that acts as a vessel for the Pérez Armero brothers’ reunion, revealing an artistic universe in which tenderness, sensitivity and reciprocal listening are central to their relationship.

International dancer and performer, Víctor Pérez Armero returned to Barcelona in 2023 to focus on traditional dance. During his time working in northern Europe, he collaborated with artists such as Renan Martins, Alma Söderberg, Eleanor Bauer, Jeanine Durning, Deborah Hay and Jefta Van Dinther among others, and was a member of the Hiatus/ Daniel Linehan (Belgium) and Cullberg (Sweden) companies. In Catalonia he has previously appeared in two Cèl·lula productions promoted by Mercat de les Flors: Flamingos, by Albert Quesada and Rèquiem Nocturn, by Pere Faura, his outstanding performances in which won him the 2020 Critics Award for Best Dancer. Raúl Pérez Armero is a musically and dramatically trained drummer, singer and actor, whose professional career as a multidisciplinary artist spans more than 20 years, during which time he has performed in street shows and stage musical productions and projects around the world.

Original idea and choreography Víctor Pérez Armero / Musical composition Raúl Pérez Armero / Creation and interpretation Víctor Pérez Armero y Raúl Pérez Armero / Artistic accompaniment Montse Colomé / Sound space Panxii Badii / Light and lighting design Arnau Sala / Costume design Jorge Dutor y Víctor Pérez Armero / Production coordination Alba Gómez i Àngels Nogué / Executive production Xavier Granada y Víctor Pérez Armero / Photography and video Tristán Pérez-Martín / Production and distribution Magrana Escena / Thanks to Ginesta Ferrer, Lali Mateu y Esbart Sant Cugat
Production Magrana Escena / Co-production Fira Mediterrània de Manresa y Dansàneu, Festival de Cultures del Pirineu / With the support Pla d’impuls a la dansa d’arrel, Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Depper, La Calderacentre de creació y La Unió Santcugatenca / Residences La Caldera fàbrica de creació, La Unió Santcugatenca, EMDC-Escola Municipal de dansa de Celrà, Centre Cívic de Porqueres, Mutte Cultural y Teatre Kursaal de Manresa