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Para que o Céu não caia (For the Sky not to fall)

March, 26 to 29
  • Season


  • Rate

    22 €


    10 €

  • Schedule

    20 h (dg 18 h)

  • Room

Based on the shaman Davi Kopenawa, from the Yanomani culture, Lia Rodrigues addresses the myth of the end of the world: a ritual dance in which 10 dancers evoke the need to protect the Amazon rainforest from ecological catastrophes. We dance on the rhythm of machines and cars, helicopters, sirens, we dance with rain and storm and burning sun, we dance as an offering and a tribute, to not fade, to last and to rot, to move the air and to expand, to dream and to visit dark places, we dance to become fireflies, to be weak and to resist. We dance to find a way to stay alive and to survive this world turned upside down.

Born in 1956 in Sao Paolo, where she studies classical Ballet and History à the Sao Paolo (USP) University, Lia Rodrigues is involved in the 70’s in the contemporary dance movement and was in the Maguy Marin dance Company from 1980 to 1982. When she returns, she creates the Lia Rodrigues Companhia de Danças, in 1990, in Rio de Janeiro with activities all the year round, dance laboratories, creations, classes and rehearsals. In 1992 she creates and runs for forteen years the Panorama Festival, the most important Festival in Rio de Janeiro. Since 2004, her Company is involved in developing educational and artistic activities in the Maré Favela in Rio de Janeiro, in partnership  with the non governmental Organisation Redes de Desenvolvimento da Maré. From this collaboration was born the Centro de Artes da Maré (Arts Center of Maré) opened since 2009 and the Escola livre de Danças da Maré (Free School of Maré) that has opened in October 2011. During 40 years of professional and artistitic life, the choreographer Lia Rodrigues has dedicated herself not only to training and artistic creation with touring and commissioning from the majors capitals in the world  but also to Education with workshops and seminars all over the world.

Creation Lia Rodrigues / Dramaturgy Silvia Soter / Lighting Nicolas Boudier / Artistic Collaboration and images Sammi Landweer / Choreographic Assistant Amalia Lima / Danced and created in close collaboration by Amalia Lima, Leonardo Nunes, Gabriele Nascimento, Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti, Clara Castro, Clara Cavalcante, Dora Selva Felipe Vian, Glaciel Farias, Luana Bezerra, Thiago de Souza, with the participation Francisca Pinto / Lighting Nicolas Boudier / Artistic Collaboration and images Sammi Landweer / Choreographic Assistant Amalia Lima
Production Lia Rodrigues / Coproduction HELLERAU – European Center for the Arts Dresden; Kampnagel, Hamburg ; HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin; Künstlerhaus;K Mousonturm, Frankfurt am Main; tanzhaus nrw, Düsseldorf ; Festival Montpellier Danse 2016 ; Le CENTQUATRE-Paris/Festival d’Automne à Paris Centquatre, Paris ; SESC Sao Paolo / With the support of Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro/Secretaria Municipal de Cultura programa  Cultura Viva / In collaboration with Redes da Maré and the Centro de Artes da Maré / Funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation.

 This performance is part of the LIA RODRIGUES CONSTELLATION

Conversation after the show: Friday, March 27

Saturday, March 28: One Hour Before, Introduction season to the show

*Programming of Dansa Metropolitana