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Impro Sharana

From 12 to 14 December
  • Season


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    10 €

  • Schedule

    20:30h (diumenge 18 h)

  • Room

In 2007 Pina Bausch chose a song by Ferran Savall to create a choreography for Shantala Shivalingappa, which as part of the show Namasya was taken on a long international tour. Since then the two artists have worked together from time to time. Now, in a unique encounter, Ferran Savall plays new musical improvisations and pieces from his repertoire while the Indian dancer accompanies them with the beautiful forms and gestures of kuchipudi, a sacred dance from the south of India. The combination of the two artists is an experiment, a frank and open dialogue between music and dance languages with different traditions, which will surprise the public.

Since the age of thirteen Shantala Shivalingappa has had the privilege of working with some of the foremost figures in the world of dance: Maurice Béjart, Peter Brook, Bartabas, Pina Bausch and Ushio Amagatsu. She is currently engaged in the creation of new kuchipudi choreographies while working with Western artists to explore dance and music. Examples of joint productions include Play, a duo with dancer and choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui; Nineteen Mantras, a modern opera inspired by Hindu myths, directed by Giorgio Barberio Corsetti, and for whom Shantala created the choreography danced by students from the Academy of La Scala in Milan; and Peer Gynt, directed by Irina Brook for the Salzburg Festival, where Shantala appears as a dancer, singer and actress.

The son of Montserrat Figueras and Jordi Savall, Ferran Savall grew up in close contact with the musical scene of study, rehearsals and concerts in his home. At seven he began his musical training: violin, piano, guitar and later the old instruments. And he is also a self-taught singer in search of the natural voice. In 2004 he embarked on the adventure of playing professionally with his family, followed by the recording of Du temps & de l’instant, which led to concert performances all over the world. In 2008 he recorded Mireu el nostre mar with the help of Mario Mas and with the collaboration of Jordi Gaspar, Javier Mas and Dimitris Psonis among others. In spring 2014 he released his second album IMPRO, which is clear proof of his musical and personal evolution.

Idea Ferran Savall, Shantala Shivalingappa
Creators Ferran Savall, Shantala Shivalingappa
Performer Shantala Shivalingappa
Singer and guitarist Ferran Savall
Bass Jordi Gaspar
Kaval Nedyalko Nedyalkov
Percussion David Mayoral
Sound technician Jordi Rotès

Production Compagnie Shantala Shivalingappa, Ferran Savall
Co-production Mercat de les Flors, Temporada Alta, FIND

Previous show video

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