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L.E.V.E. [A Light and Easy Vanishing Event]

April 28 to 30
  • Duration

    60 minutes

  • Rate

    16 €


    10 €

  • Schedule

    20 h

  • Room

What role do the body, dance and choreography play in these times of provisionality and the cult of the ephemeral?

Direction and choreography Paloma Muñoz / Performers Tanit Cobas, Rober Gómez, Jacob Gómez, Laia Duran / Lighting design Toni Ubach / Music Guillem Llotje / Machinist Daniel Pino / Costume PEDRA / Dramaturgical advice Albert Pérez / Direction assistant Amanda Rubio / Video Edition Karolina Adamczak/ Production Rita Stivala / Acknowledgment Iris Borrás
Co-production Dansa Quinzena Metropolitana / With the support of Departamento de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya; Graner (Centro de Creación de Danza y Artes Vivas); Can Gassol (Centre de Artes Escénicas de Mataró); Teatre-Auditori Sant Cugat; Fabra i Coats (Fábrica de Creación); L´Estruch (Fabrica de Creación de las Arts en Vivo).

* This show contains strobe lights

Introductory session to the show ‘ONE HOUR BEFORE’: April 30. Paloma Muñoz (director and choreographer), Guillem Llotje (music) and Carmen Gómez (editor and stage creator). Moderated by: Toni Jodar & Beatriu Daniel (Explica_Dansa). Registrations here.