10 €
20:30h (ds i dg 18h)
The season opens with In Somni, a compelling and attractive experiment where two very different artistic worlds are bought together to create a fantastic show: the Cobla Sant Jordi music ensemble alongside the urban dance company Kulbik Dance, and DJ Mario Nieto, who adds the electronic music to the project.
In Somni is a dynamic, versatile stage production that draws on the imagery of dreams to recreate a visual and sound universe around electronic music and the sound of the Cobla. Mario Nieto, the Cobla Sant Jordi and Kulbik Dance find common ground to combine their artistic styles: the audience is immersed in a world of dreams where even the most implausible things fit in perfectly.
Authors Kulbik Dance Company, Cobla Sant Jordi-Ciutat de Barcelona, Mario Nieto / Direction and choreography Kanga Valls / Music consultant and director’s assistant Pep Moliner
Kulbik Dance Company
Director and dancer Kanga Valls / Dancers Kanga Valls, Isaac Suárez, Christian Ur, Manel Cabeza, Sergi Orduña, Susanna Ayllón / DJ Mario Nieto
Cobla Sant Jordi-Ciutat de Barcelona
Fipple flute and tabor Xavier Torrent / Treble shawms Ivan Alcazo and Oriol Gibert / Tenor shawms Enric Ortí and Josep Antoni Sánchez / Trumpets Sergi Marquillas and Timi Rodríguez / Trombone Isi López / Flugelhorns Pep Moliner and Miquel Àngel López / Double bass Joan Druguet
Music Cobla Sant Jordi-Ciutat de Barcelona and Mario Nieto
Production Kulbik Dance Company, Cobla Sant Jordi / Co-production Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona City Council, Fira Mediterrània de Manresa / With the support of Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona City Council Institute of Culture, Fira Mediterrània de Manresa