22 €
10 €
20.30 h (dg 17 h)
The final play in Mal Pelo’s tetralogy on Bach’s music, a work about the passion and desire to find the inhospitable, wild and unattainable place that is Highlands, returns to Mercat de les Flors. A show in which dance and live music, provided by a string quartet and a vocal quartet, surround us and project us towards vertical poetics, between light and darkness. It premiered at the Mercat de les Flors in May 2021 with great success and we are bringing it back this season to make up for the capacity constraints due to the pandemic.
Formed in 1989 by María Muñoz and Pep Ramis, the Mal Pelo company bases its work on a constant search for languages. During their early years, they toured extensively (Europe, the United States, the Middle East, Canada, and South America). In 2001, Ramis and Muñoz promoted L’animal a esquena, a multidisciplinary creation and exchange centre in a farmhouse located in Celrà (Girona). Mal Pelo has received, amongst others, the National Dance Award (2002) awarded by the Generalitat de Catalunya, the National Dance Award (2009) awarded by the Ministry of Culture, the City of Barcelona Dance Award (2017) for Bach and the Critics Award (2018) for Bach and for Federica Porello’s performance.
Highlands has received two Dansacat 2022 awards from the Associació de Professionals de la Dansa de Catalunya (APdC) for Best Show and Best Sound Space. This November, Mal Pelo will receive the Gold Medal from the Performing Arts Academy.
Direction María Muñoz and Pep Ramis / Col·laboració en la direcció Leo Castro, Federica Porello /Directors assistants Pep Ramis, María Muñoz, Federica Porello, Leo Castro, Zoltan Vakulya, Miquel Fiol, Enric Fàbregas, Ona Fusté / Musical direction Quiteria Muñoz and Joel Bardolet / Creation and performing Quartet de corda: Joel Bardolet, violí; Jaume Guri, violí; Masha Titova, viola; Daniel Claret, violoncel. Quartet de veus Quiteria Muñoz, soprano; Eulàlia Fantova, mezzosoprano; Mario Corberán, tenor; Giorgio Celenza, baix / Música Johann Sabastian Bach, Arvo Pärt, Henry Purcell, Gyorgy Kurtag, Georg Friedich Haendel, Benjamin Britten / Texts Nick Cave, John Berger, Erri de Luca
Production Mal Pelo / Co-production Mercat de les Flors; Théâtre de l’Archipel – Scène Nationale de Perpignan; Théâtre Garonne – Scène européenne de Toulouse; ICEC – Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya; Teatre Principal de Palma de Mallorca, Consell Insular; Festival de Otoño, Comunidad de Madrid; Temporada Alta – Festival Internacional d’Arts Escèniques / Residència de creació Théâtre de l’Archipel – Scène Nationale de Perpignan / With the collabration Théâtre des Quatre Saisons de Gradignan – Scène Conventionnée, L’animal a l’esquena – Centre de Creació de Celrà
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