10 €
20:30h (diumenge 18h)
This work has been developed from the perspective of three women, three performers with wide professional experience who have worked with major international dance companies. The piece consists of two parts: in the first one, each of the dancers performs a solo by a leading dance choreographer, William Forsythe, Crystal Pite or Rafael Bonachela. In the second part, the three will premiere a piece prepared in a laboratory with choreographer Jacopo Godani, who works regularly for the cultural institutions and leading European companies. The project has gradually been consolidated by the quality of its performers, who have aroused interest among choreographers to work with them and provide them with material for performance and in some cases for another interpretation.
They have worked and continue to work with companies that include The Forsythe Company, Nederlands Dance Theater, Lyon Opera Ballet, Ballet de Charleroi and the Cullberg Ballet, and with choreographers such as Ohad Naharin, Jiri Kylian, William Forsythe, Nacho Duato, Mats Ek, Mathilde Monnier, Johan Inger, Paul Lightfoot, Sol León, Crystal Pite and many more.
Art director and project manager Iratxe Ansa
Performers Jone San Martín, Sandra Marín, Iratxe Ansa
Solos by William Forsythe, Crystal Pite, Rafael Bonachela
Live Violin solo GUTS Sergi Alpiste
Sound Creation solo GUTS Ramon Balagué
Esculpiendo el vacío
Choreographic trio and creation Jone San Martín, Sandra Marín & Iratxe Ansa
Scenic and musical coordination and light design Jacopo Godani
Music by Ulrich Muller
Visual artist Rahi Rezvani
Light Design Alberto Barbera
Production Mercat de les Flors
Thanks to Fabra i Coats fàbrica de creació de Barcelona