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Encara no ho sé, Lola

April from 21 to 23
  • Season


  • Rate



    10 €

  • Schedule

    Divendres 18h, dissabte 18h i 20:30h, diumenge 12h i 18:30h

A new circus show from Los Galindos, which uses traditional production techniques and speaks of the value of generational transmission though entertainment, poetry and risk. The audience is soon captivated by the very natural feel of the show, the proximity of what happens in the ring, the music and the visual elements of the circus acts.

Los Galindos was founded in 1991 and its members were pioneers in introducing the flying trapeze into street circus. Over the years they have produced twelve shows; the last one, Maiurta, was seen at the Mercat in 2014. The Galindos were co-founders and directors of the Rogelio Rivel Circus School (1999-2003), whose aim was to create a framework for learning and sharing knowledge. Over the years they have collaborated on various national and international artistic projects.

With Bina Rieck (clown, hula-hoop and music), Marcel Escolano (clown, hula-hoop and acrobatics), Bet Garrell (hula-hoop, trapeze and floor acrobatics), Martí Soler (floor acrobatics, cyr wheel, knife-throwing and music), Anna Pascual (Chinese pole, floor acrobatics and music), Bruna Escolano (dancer), Berta Escolano (floor acrobatics, music) / Collective creation / Direction Bet Garrell, Marcel Escolano / Texts Marcel Escolano / Music director Martí Soler / Scenography and set Los Galindos
Los Galindos / With the support of ICEC (Catalan Institute of Cultural Enterprises), IRLL (Institut Ramon Llull), Circ Crac (Circ Cric), Cronopis, Txo Titelles
