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Fields of Tender

November, 11
Popup - Més informació
  • Durational immersive dance show for babies and children with neurodiversity and/or disabilities

    Recommended age: from 3 to 18 months

  • Season


  • Rate

    8 €

  • Schedule

    10 h and 15 h

  • Room

Fields of Tender is a dance performance which invites its audience to enjoy and explore an imaginary world inspired by tenderness, affection and love. The abundance of dance, music, sounds, extraordinary objects and interactive video projections welcomes the audience’s curiosity as well as provides a calm and intimate space for relaxation. The feeling of extravagance and allure interlaced with sensation of ethereal and sensual fosters the empowerment, togetherness and easefulness.

Dalija Acin Thelander comes back to the elPetit Festival with her last creation,  Fields of Tender. The performance provides various extents of experiences for all types of perceptions and it welcomes all kinds of behaviors. The audience is invited to enjoy the performance freely and on their own terms. Within the several hours of duration the audience can come in when they are ready, exit and re-enter during the show, and leave when it suits them the most.

The Swedish artist has created this artistic proposal within the framework of the three-year academic research project Towards sensuous ecologies, Rethinking ableism in choreographic and movement practices, with the support of the Swedish Research Council and in affiliation with the department of arts and dance from the University of Stockholm.

Choreography and general design Dalija Acin Thelander / In collaboration with and performed by Noah Hellwig, Jimmie Larsson, Jilda Hallin / Music Thomas Jeker /Digital animation and interactive technologies Filip Mikic
Supported by Menų spaustuvė/Arts Printing House (Vilnius, Lithuania), Kulturhuset Dieselverkstaden (Stockholm, Sweden), Muzeum Susch / Art Stations Foundation CH (Susch, Switzerland), laSala | elPetit (Sabadell, Catalonia)

Recommended ages and capacity:

  • Option A: children aged 2-5 with autism, ADHD and/or down syndrome / 10 children maximum + companions (30 people maximum in total) for each 3-hour pass.
  • Option B: children aged 5-8 with autism, ADHD and/or down syndrome / 10 children maximum + companions (30 people maximum in total) for each 3-hour pass.
  • Option C: only children with physical disabilities (wheelchair) up to 18 years old / 10 children maximum + companions (30 people maximum in total) for each 3-hour pass.
  • Option D: children with physical disabilities up to 10 years old together with children with autism, ADHD, Down’s syndrome aged 2-5 years / 10 children maximum + companions (30 people maximum in total) for each 3-hour pass.
  • Option E: children with physical disabilities (wheelchair) aged 10-18 together with children with autism, ADHD, Down syndrome aged 5-8 / 10 children maximum + companions (30 people maximum in total) for each step of 3 hours.
  • Option F: neurotypical babies from 3-18 months together with babies with disabilities or neurodiversity from 3 to 24 months/ 15 babies maximum + companions (45 people maximum in total) for each 3-hour pass.

*As mentioned, under no circumstances can audience options (A or B or C or D or E or F) be mixed with neurodiversity in the same performance.