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March, 5 to 8
  • Season


  • Duration


  • Rate

    16 €


    10 €

  • Schedule

    21 h (dg 19 h)

  • Room

Research project on the figure of the German philosopher Kant and his theories on space and time. The company challenges the famous “a priori” according to which Kant says that we see and understand reality.

La Societat Doctor Alonso, directed by Tomas Aragay (Theater director and dramaturg) and Sofia Asencio ( dancer and choreographer) has constructed a language which has found one of its key factors in the concept of movement by placing anything outside of its place, area or ‘own space’ in order to investigate how this movement modifies language with respect to both its constituent grammar as well as with respect to the reading made by an observer. This involves moving in order to reveal something. This action of movement has shown itself to be an efficient tool for creating areas of poetic discourse which question our ‘standardised’ understanding of reality.

Direction Tomàs Aragay and Sofia Asencio / Dramaturgy Tomàs Aragay / Choreography Sofia Asencio / Creation and performance Sofia Asencio, Txubio Fernández, Tamara Ascanio, Hipólito Patón, Maria Garcia Vera, Lluc Baños, Ruben Ametllé, Àlex Solsona Vallejo / Musical selection Rubén Lardín / Lighting and stage space CUBE.bz / Photography Camille Latron
Coproduction Mercat de les Flors, Societat Doctor Alonso

Saturday, March 7: One Hour Before, Introduction season to the show