11h, 12:30h i 18h
These concerts seek the shared enjoyment of the music by performers and children, parents and siblings, grandparents and friends. Each concert is an experience entailing exchange and rapport, where the discovery of live music and the silence generate intense, surprising moments.
El Canal – Centre d’Arts Escèniques Salt/Girona is a national centre for performing arts creation and production. It is part of the same network of public centres as Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, Teatre Lliure and the performing arts centres in Reus and Terrassa. El Canal aims to have its own voice and way of seeing and creating theatre, a little different from that of other theatres in Catalonia, both public and private. On the other hand, because it is part of a larger body, the institution of Catalan public theatre, it has to perform some inevitable functions in coordination with the other centres in Catalonia.
Original idea Paulo Lameiro
Performers Musicians from the creative residency completed with 25 Catalan professionals
Coordination Anna Molins
Production EL CANAL, Centre d’Arts Escèniques Salt/Girona
With the collaboration of Cia. Musicalmente (Portugal)