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March 27 to 30
  • Season


  • Duration

    1h 30 minutes

  • Rate

    28 €


    10 €

  • Schedule

    20 h

  • Room

Achterland is a seminal choreography in Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker’s oeuvre. In this 1990 performance, for the first time, the choreographer gave the musicians a central position on stage and let them play an active role in the overall dynamic—an approach she would repeat in many subsequent projects. The unusual combination of György Ligeti’s and Eugène Ysaÿe’s music inspired De Keersmaeker and her dancers to create an original dance score with a delicate balance between energetic virtuosity and deceleration. This also was the choreographer’s first time writing dancing material specifically for men; she added three male dancers to what until that point had been a predominantly female company. In Achterland, the prevalent femininity and minimalism of several

Even though the Mercat has staged numerous pieces by Rosas, its presentation of Achterland is a unique opportunity to enjoy this landmark piece that’s travelled the world for eight years but never been to Barcelona.

Rosas is the company that choreographer and dancer Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker founded in 1983, during the creation of the piece Rosas danst Rosas. Since her debut in 1982 with Fase, Four Movements to the Music of Steve Reich, De Keersmaeker has devoted herself to the rigorous exploration and organisation of movement, from the simplest to the most complex forms. The relationship between movement and music is essential to the choreographer’s conception of dance. Thus, Rosas has extended the art of dance, making it an act of writing movements in time and space, and over the years she has explored choreography in relation to other compositional forces such as music, geometry, the visual arts and language. In 1995 De Keersmaeker founded the P.A.R.T.S. school (Performing Arts Research and Training Studios) in Brussels, a key model worldwide where many great dancers and choreographers have trained.

Choreography Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker / Mise en scène Jean Luc Ducourt / Dancers Laura Bachman, Anika Edström Kawaji, Frank Gizycki, Robin Haghi, Yuika Hashimoto, Laura Maria Poletti, Soa Ratsifandrihana, Luka Švajda / Created in 1990 with Nordine Benchorf, Bruce Campbell, Vincent Dunoyer, Fumiyo Ikeda, Marion Levy, Nathalie Million, Carlotta Sagna, Johanne Saunier / Music György Ligeti, 8 Etudes for solo piano; – Eugène Ysaÿe, Sonatas 1, 3 & 4 for solo violin / Músics Piano: Joonas Ahonen; Violí Juan María Braceras / Set design Herman Sorgeloos / Lighting design Jean Luc Ducourt / Costumes Ann Weckx / Rehearsal director Fumiyo Ikeda / Assistants for the revival Nordine Benchorf, Johanne Saunier, Fumiyo Ikeda, Vincent Dunoyer / Artistic coordination and Planning Anne Van Aerschot /  Technical director Joris De Bolle / Sound Alexandre Fostier o Antoine Delagoutte / Costums coordination Heide Vanderieck/ Sewing Charles Gysèle / Wardrobe Emma Zune / Technicians Jonathan Maes, Quentin Maes, Sari-Lynn Kerkhofs, Arno Truyens / Special thanks Bruce Campbell

Production Rosas / Coproduction 1990 De Munt; La Monnaie (Brussel·les), Stichting Van Gogh 1990, Rotterdamse Schouwburg, Théâtre de la Ville (Paris)
Rosas is supported by the Flemish Community and by the BNP Paribas Foundation.

#Rosas #Achterland

Saturday, March 3, One Hour Before, Introduction season to the show with Óscar Dasí, dancer, choreograph and artistic director of La Caldera. Coordination: Explica_Dansa