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Festival IF Barcelona: Documental El punto impropio

November 13th
  • Duration

    43 minutes

  • Schedule

    19 h

  • Rate

    Free (limited capacity)

  • Room

  • Days

    November 13th

A documentary on the creative process behind the choreography for el punto impropio A/S/V by Javier Martín, which premiered in March 2023 at Danza UNAM’s Sala Miguel Covarrubias in Mexico City. The film follows the team over the course of a year, documenting the visual, corporal, poetic and sound aspects of the piece.

Javier Martín brings to the stage diverse technologies that allow him to approach the body in various ways, “as a means of portraying the animal that we are”. The entrance to a laboratory in which perception is at once distorted and refined, proposing new sensibilities. An immersive work that combines choreography, music created from the sounds of the body and a visual proposal similar to that of ​​expanded cinema or live cinema.

The creation process began at the beginning of 2022 in a semi-anechoic chamber, designed to achieve the greatest experience of “silence” possible and to investigate, test and record the internal sounds of the body in motion. Pioneering research in the field of performing arts that provided the team with valuable information and materials. These sounds served to generate a sound landscape while inspiring research and choreographic creation, “returning the sound of the body to the body itself”.

Direction Javier Martín / Assembly and editing Leo López / Sounds Adolfo García / Accompaniment Sabela Mendoza / Cameras Leo López, José Manuel Fandos, Javier Estella, Leo Castro, Cristina Mendanha, Carolina Vieira / Photos Luisa Gutiérrez, Rubén Vilanova
Production De Corpos Presentes / With the financing INAEM, Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte- a través de los fondos del Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia de la Unión Europea – #NextGenerationEU / Places of residene Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías de Telecomunicación – atlanTTic – cámara semianecoica – Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación – Universidade de Vigo; Etopia Centro de Arte y Tecnología – Laboratorio de Danza y Nuevos Medios de Trayectos – Zaragoza; L’animal a l’esquena – Celrà, Girona; A Casa Vella- Amiadoso, Allariz; Arte Total – GUELRA in gnration – Braga

Original version in Spanish

Conversation after the screening with Javier Martín and the professor of Dance Theory at CSD Roberto Fratini
