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Saturdays with workshop: ‘Colors en moviment’

February 29
  • Season


  • Schedule

    De 10h a 13h

  • Rate

    10€ (with the season pass 8€)

  • Room


Workshop with Catalina Carrasco, about the show MiraMiró

The movement, body and color materials will be the instruments for the occupation of space and the interaction between the participants, experimenting with concepts linked to the work of Miró. We will dance the circle, the curves, the straight lines and the point. Also the colors yellow, black, blue and red. We will see a small selection of graphic works by Joan Miró that connects with the elements mentioned above. The participants reflect on what each color, every symbol, each form, each element tells them, awakening the imagination and emotions.

The company Baal, which will be founded in 2013 by the dancer, performer and creator Catalina Carrasco and the scientist, technologist and performer Gaspar Morey, uses a language that flees conventionalisms. Their first creation, Traveling to Nowhere, won the VI CENIT contest as the best theater research show and has been in Spain, Germany, France, Greece, Mexico and Korea.