10 €
20:30h / dg 18h
This piece is about the reunion of two old friends who used to be like brothers, after forty years of physical and spiritual separation. Both want to solve a past conflict that forced them apart and now they find themselves compelled to face their demons once and for all. A duel without weapons where the two men are both the hunter and the hunted. According to Márai himself, “it is odd but in Hungarian the words ölés and ölelés, ‘killing’ and ‘embrace’, resemble each other and have the same root…” Following a long tour performing all over the world, we can once again enjoy this multiple award-winning show.
Jordi Cortés trained at the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona. He has worked as a performer in companies such as Lanònima Imperial, Mudances, Metros, Heightened Reality, DV8 Physical Theatre and Nigel Charnock. As a director he has created Prestidigitaccions, Lucky, Happy Hour, De Cara, Grand Ecart, Day Dreaming at Dusk, the duet Mat, and more recently the pieces V.I.T.R.I.O.L., Black Out, In Heaven and Fòssil. With Damián Muñoz he co-directed Tres tristes stripteases. He is artistic director of the dance and production company Alta Realitat and director of the Kiakahart association.
Damián Muñoz creates with Virginia Garcia in 1996 the artistic company La Intrusa. He creates, directs and produces theatrical and audiovisual projects. His work has seen in more than 30 countries. They have worked for numerous national and international companies, such as the National Company of Norway Carte Blanche. Guest artist at Movement Research (New York) or SNDO Dance Theater School (Amsterdam). It combines the performing arts collaborations with cabbage • theatrical design audiovisual and advertising. He has received numerous awards for both, visual and performing creations.
Creation and performance: Jordi Cortés, Damián Muñoz
Artistic collaboration: María Muñoz
Music: Collage
Lighting: Javi Ulla
Set: Jordi Cortés, Damián Muñoz, María de Frutos
Voice: Sílvia Pérez
Costumes: Antonio Belart
Modista: Goretti Puente
Photography: Josep Aznar
Community Manager: Marc Mittenhoff
Production: Jordi Cortés – Alta Realitat & Damián Muñoz
Executive production: Raül Perales
Co-production: Endansa
With the collaboration of L’animal a l’esquena, Fabrik Tanztage Potsdam, L’Estruch – Live Art Factory in Sabadell
Follow us with this hashtag #Oleles
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We have reserved seats for people who use wheelchairs. Please, contact us at publics@mercatflors.cat so we can guarantee good care