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Tots dansen

The TOTS DANSEN  Project aims to strengthen and increase the commitment of dance with education, schools and the community and promote educational projects and proximity actions that allow the transmission of values that can intrinsically contribute to the dance as art.


The project it’s part of the Pla d’Impuls a la Dansa promote by Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, which should serve to increase and stabilize this pedagogical initiative of territorial scope that approximates the language of movement and contemporary dance to young audiences. Aimed to secondary schools, this proposal favors the participation of the citizen and the knowledge of dance in Catalonia.

Tots Dansen is a project drived by Xarxa Transversal, in collaboration with el Mercat de les Flors i and with the support of Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya

TV3 daily news collects the experience of the young people of Reus who participate in the 2018-19 Tots Dansen: