16 €
10 €
19 h
Based on the work of Virginia Woolf, especially A Room of One’s Own, the choreographer proposes with this piece a theatrical self-portrait, which she builds from the complicity she weaves between sound, word, gesture and movement. On stage, dancer Natalia Jiménez and pianist Jordina Millà occupy and question the abstract realm of what is recognizable, predictable, or identifiable with total freedom.
Natàlia Jiménez has been creating her own pieces since 2010. She is part of the LaBolsa Group (a group of international dance creators who are interested in creative performative practices in real time), and is the creator of a poetic universe in site-specific pieces such as AULA (in collaboration with the playwright José Luis de Blas), Práctica en la frontera (with the playwright Jorge Gallardo), and L_ENTES (with the choreographer and dancer Iris Heitzinger). Her work has been presented in venues and festivals such as the Lyon Biennale, Mes de Danza, Neo Festival, Festival Grec and MACBA, amongst others. She is the president of the Andalusian Dance Association.
Direction and choreography Natalia Jiménez Gallardo / Musical composition and sound space Jordina Millà /Dramaturgy José Luis de Blas /Lighting design Irene Cantero / Scenic space Ángela López / Management assistance Jorge Gallardo / Movement assistance Victor Zambrana / Costume design Gloria Trenado / Costume making Marisa Gallardo / Photography Miguel Jiménez / Video Guillermo Marrufo / Press María Román / Production Ángeles Roquero / Distribution Sandra Bonilla/ External practices PANGEA ESAD: José María Barragán, Tamara Lora – RESAD: Andrés Pérez Mena
CoproductionMercat de les Flors /With the support ICAS, Ajuntament de Sevilla /With the collaboration ÁGORA, Agencia de instituciones Culturales, Sevilla; Conservatorio profesional de Música Sanlúcar la Mayor; Centro Cultural La Villa de La Rinconada, Sevilla
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