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WE. Nosaltres i el temps

From April 24 to 27
Popup - Descomptes

This new project is a work of transmission that starts from the question: What do we leave in the palm of our hand to give to new generations? Through the ages and generations, we continue to ask ourselves about our identity, our place, our future. Our? The answers will be sought in the study of movement, dance and texts generated from different bodies, of different ages and with different life views. Inspired by the ambivalence of the individual and the community and based on the John Berger poem Separation, the company once again examines the journey, emigration, the loss of place as a focal point for developing the basic principle of movement: walking.

Formed in 1989 by María Muñoz and Pep Ramis, Mal Pelo bases its work on an ongoing study of languages. During their early years, they toured extensively (Europe, United States, Middle East, Canada and South America). In 2001, Ramis and Muñoz launched L’animal a l’esquena, a centre for creation and multidisciplinary exchange set in a farmhouse in Celrà (Girona). Mal Pelo has received numerous awards, including the 2002 National Dance Prize awarded by the Government of Catalonia and the 2009 National Dance Prize awarded by the Ministry of Culture. During their extensive career they have developed their own artistic language based on movement and compositions that include text, original soundtracks, live music, set construction, lighting, video design and other stage tools, as a company with an auspicious reputation on the international contemporary creative scene.

Director María Muñoz and Pep Ramis / Creation and interpreters Leo Castro, Enric Fàbregas, Federica Porello, Zoltan Vakulia, Miquel Fiol, Ona Fuster, Martí Ramis, Paula Ramis, Arianna Bonaccina, Maria Muñoz, Pep Ramis and 5 more to be confirmed / Director assistant Leo Castro and Federica Porello / Composició sonora Fanny Thollot / Musical composition Joel Bardolet / Lights August Viladomat, Lluís Martí / Stage Pep Ramis, Kike Blanco / Costume CarmePuigdevalliPlantés / Vídeo Leo Castro, Xavier Pérez / Texts John Berger, Mal Pelo / Production Mamen Juan-Torres / Management Gemma Massó

In pre-producció process

Co-production Mal Pelo, Mercat de les Flors, La Briquetterie Biennale de la Val de Marne (França), Teatre Principal de Palma de Mallorca, Temporada Alta-Festival Internacional de Catalunya / With the support of Théâtre Garonne, Toulouse; El Canal de Salt; L’animal a l’esquena, Celrà.