16 €
10 €
20:30 h (dg 18 h)
Through the stories and concerns of twelve young Europeans, the show presents a vision of contemporary society, a lost society controlled by a kind of fascism. The piece poses a question: when are we really free in our thoughts and our actions?
The strength of the work is derived from three mechanisms: the alternation between narration and projected text, the contrast between what is said and the movement on stage, and the pervasiveness of the electronic music that reiterates the impression of alienation and fascism.
Formed by Pablo Gisbert and Tanya Beyeler in 2010, El Conde de Torrefiel is a an artistic project combining literature, the plastic arts and choreography. It aims to go beyond verbal language, formulating hypotheses about the unknowns of the 21st century. El Conde de Torrefiel is part of the artistic team of the dance company La Veronal, contributing to the textual and dramaturgical composition of its pieces.
Idea and direction El Conde de Torrefiel / Text and dramaturgy Pablo Gisbert / With David Mallols, Isaac Forteza, Quim Bigas, Mario Pons-Macià, Tanya Beyeler
With the collaboration of Adriantic Residencies – Antic Teatre; INAEM – National Institute for the Performing Arts, Ministry of Culture of Spain; Department of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia; Institut Ramon Llull; Encuentros de Magalia 2011