november 3 with Sol Picó, Natsuki and Charlotta Ofverholm
75 minutes
20 €
10 €
20 h (dg 18 h)
Titanas is a meeting between Sol Picó, Natsuki and Charlotta Ofverholm, three dancers and choreographers who have only their extensive careers and their energy in common; different styles and perspectives converge in this piece, created from a place of maturity, experience and the energy that all three share. A choir of twelve women accompany the journey of these warrior goddesses who carry as their banner freedom from norms and archetypes.
Natsuki, a French resident since 1988, develops a style that is a cross between modern dance, flamenco and butoh. Ofverholm has worked as a dancer with companies such as DV 8 Physical Theater and Bill T.Jones, among many others, and has choreographed for numerous international companies. Sol Picó’s personal style has developed from the creation of her own company in 1993, with which he has performed around thirty shows.
Choreography, direcction and interpretation Charlotta Öfverholm, Natsuki, Sol Picó / Musical creation and direction Judit Farrés / Video Milosh Luczynski / Vocal interpretation ACTEA cor femení / Direction chorus Carles Josep Comalada / Direction and choreographic Encarni Sánchez / Production Núria Aguiló, Pia Mazuela / Road Manager Elena Espejo / Technical manager Joan Manrique / Sound operator Stephane Carteaux / Production on tour Eva Calderero
Coproduction Mercat de les Flors, Palau de les Arts “Reina Sofía” de València, Sol Picó cia de dansa, Natsuki & L’Universelle Illustrée Compagnie/France and Charlotta Öfverholm / With the support Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya / With the collaboration MIAM Museu Immaterial de les Arts del Moviment a La Bisbal d’Empordà / Thanks Elena Espejo, Viviane Calvitti, Ana Monllor, Maria Roca, Matthieu Terciaux, Christophe Tostain, Jordi Pau, Gemma Pujol, Magda Puyo, Alba Vilabertran
november 3 with Sol Picó, Natsuki and Charlotta Ofverholm