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Three Times Rebel

March 15 to 18
  • Season


  • Rate



    10 €

  • Schedule

    20h (dg 18h)

  • Room

An exploration of gender inequality. As a result of in-depth research, through literature, documentaries, exhibitions and interviews with experts, Marina Mascarell came up against the harsh nature of inequality, reflected by the degradation of women’s bodies, the use of stereotypes to educate young people and the symbolic violence increasingly present in our lives, often unconsciously. With five impressive performers, live music by Yamila Ríos (vocals, cello, electronics), and a mobile geometric structure in a “naked” space, the choreographer brings a hot topic to the stage: equal rights for men and women.

The Spanish-Dutch choreographer Marina Mascarell has a unique way – poetic and full of nuances – of expressing her commitment to society through dance. In 2015 she was awarded the prestigious BNG Bank Dance Prize, in recognition of her notable artistic talent and projection. Mascarell has worked as an independent choreographer since 2012. She has created shows for major companies such as the Nederlands Dans Theater I in The Hague (UpComing Choreographers), Scapino Ballet in Rotterdam, Taipei Dance Forum, Ballet Junior in Geneva, Skånes Dansteater in Malmö and the Ballet de l’Opéra in Lyon. In her creative work she continually ventures into territories she is unfamiliar with to discover new material. Her work deals with the world we live in, the choices we make, and their consequences. It goes far beyond simple appearances or pure aesthetics.

Concept and direction Marina Mascarell / Choreography Marina Mascarell and dancers / Choreography assistant David Essing / Performers Nina Botkay, Maud de la Purification, Filippo Domini, Eli Cohen, Chen-Wei Lee / Live music composition and performance Yamila Ríos / Costume design Daphna Munz / Scenography Ludmila Rodrigues / Lighting design Loes Schakenbos / Artistic research Marthe Koetsier

#MarinaMascarell #ThreeTimesRebel

Friday, Conversation after the show

Saturday, One Hour Before the performance, session of introduction to the show