60 minutes
12 €
10 €
20 h (dg 18 h)
A group of eight, nameless people, accompanied by the piano of Agustí Fernández; in a delicate, silent and fragile work, occupy the stage with their time-worn bodies, with gestures and gazes, filled with the beauty granted by the passage of time. A piece where music and action seek out the beauty hidden behind silence, a beauty free from virtuosity.
La Societat Doctor Alonso, directed by Tomas Aragay (Theater director and dramaturg) and Sofia Asencio ( dancer and choreographer) has constructed a language which has found one of its key factors in the concept of movement by placing anything outside of its place, area or ‘own space’ in order to investigate how this movement modifies language with respect to both its constituent grammar as well as with respect to the reading made by an observer. This involves moving in order to reveal something. This action of movement has shown itself to be an efficient tool for creating areas of poetic discourse which question our ‘standardised’ understanding of reality.
Original idea and director Tomàs Aragay / Musical composition and performance Agustí Fernández / Assistant Director Sofia Asencio / Performers Iñaki Arregui, Salvador Baena, Maria Teresa Fors, Constantina Puche, Antonio Ramírez, Eulàlia Sariola, Andreu Teixidor, Mª Lluisa Torras, Mercè Vallverdú / Covers Eduard Ràfols and Mercè Trias / Scenic espace and light design CUBE / Costume Societat Doctor Alonso / Production Imma Bové
Co-producction Mercat de les Flors, Societat Doctor Alonso, Festival Grec, Théâtre Archipel de Perpinyà / With the participation the Free Theatre Foundation