Climatic Situation 1 – 8€ each tour (limited capacity)
10 €
In this piece the authors invent actions and choreographic and climatic situations in which the air can be the main character and a performer.
They generate atmospheres and constantly moving indoors and outdoors climatic situations that allow them to rearticulate and undo accepted categories like ‘body’, ‘individual’, ‘collective’, ‘human, ‘non-human’, ‘culture’ or ‘nature’.
Taxi tours around Barcelona that take us to six choreographic-climatic situations set out by the Air-condition project
Thursday 26th November 21:30h – Volatile acidity: meeting at the door of the Mercat de les Flors (length 90 min). Buy tickets
Friday 27th November 15.30h – ( ) void+19 different materials: meeting at Trinitat Nova (L3) subway station (Carrer d´Aiguablava exit) (length 120 min). Buy tickets
Saturday 28th November 11h – 32nd: meeting outside Clot subway station (L1, L2), corner of València street (length 90 min). Buy tickets
Dijous 3 des, 12h– 88mg/m3 : meeting outside Poblenou subway station (L4), corner carrer Bilbao with Pujades (length 90 min). Buy tickets
Divendres 4 des, 12h – Thinking movement stops us : meeting at Xurreria Argilés, (Marina subway station, L1), beside xurreria Argiles, intersection of Av. Meridiana and Carrer de la Marina (lenght 90 min). Buy tickets
Dissabte 5 des, 16h –This is the end: meeting at Carrer Reina Amàlia nº 20-22 (length 90 min). Buy tickets
Devil’s ivy, areca palm and devil’s tongue
The last person leaving must turn off the air
At you will find the detailed schedule of all the actions, installations and other situations that will take place in theatrical spaces as well as in other city spaces during the festival.
Residency Graner