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RADICAL D’ARREL: ERA, Enviró d’ERA, L’Hereu Riera

April, 6
  • Season


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    Free (list for pre-registration will open soon)

  • Schedule

    12 h, 13 h and 17 h

  • Room

Presenting, with the support of the CATALAN TRADITIONAL DANCE PROMOTION PLAN:

ESBART ROCASAGNA with choreography by QUIM BIGAS

This project has provided an opportunity for Esbart Rocasagna to create something from scratch with a new and collaborative look, participating in symbiosis with Quim Bigas, which goes beyond traditional or contemporary dance genres. Esbart has worked with the elements that characterise it to create a piece with a character of its own, in which the emphasis is on people and the links that unite them, links that are made with the land, with the history of places, of bodies and collectives, and looks towards the future. Links that weave, like macramé, ways of meeting and continuing to build together.

A project started by l’Esbart Rocasagna / Concept and direction Carles Janer with starting point of Cos de Dansa de l’Esbart Rocasagna / Performers El Cos de Dansa de l’Esbart Rocasagna: Adela Ruiz, Adrià Nicolàs, Aida Inglada, Aina Rosell, Anna Maria Sánchez, Blai Rosell, Clara Rosell, Clàudia Pascual, Cristina Bargalló, Dídac Jaquet, Laia Muray, Laia Sánchez, Laura Sánchez, Mariona Auton, Mireia López, Oriol Rosell, Sabina Catalinas i Txell Muray / Creation and choreography Quim Bigas with Cos de Dansa de l’Esbart Rocasagna i Carles Janer / Sound space and sonor edition Pau Matas with the music by Les violines; Rodrigo Cuevas i Baiuca; OMAC- Dani López i Anna Ferrer; Marina Herlop; Alexandræ; Elena Tarrats i Marc Vilajuana; Fast Boo, Marina Herlop i Òscar Garrobé; Subliminal; La Fúmiga, El Diluvi i  Vadebo; Irieix and Enric Cassases; Ebri Knight; Josep Sancho and Marraco; Judit i Meritxell Neddermann; Coral Artesans – Jordi Llavina i José Manuel Pagán; Joana Dark i Judit Pi Aloy; Marala; Roba Estesa; Oques Grasses and Rita Payés and original compositions by Blai Rosel and an especial collaboration Gabriel Kazz with the original song Temps
Coproduction Mercat de les Flors, Fira Mediterrània de Manresa, Festival Ésdansa de Les Preses, Dansa Metropolitana, Familia de Delfí Colomé, Sismògraf d’Olot, Festival Dansàneu de Les Valls D’Àneu / With the support Pla d’Impuls a la Dansa d’Arrel Tradicional Catalana / With the supportDepartament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya / With the collaboration Ajuntament de Gelida, Consell Comarcal de l’Alt Penedès i Diputació de Barcelona / Thanks Coral Artesans, Can Pasqual (Noemí Vilaseca and Francesc Pascual), Lluís Rius, Tristan Martín, Rosalia Zanon, Gabriel Kazz, Martina Pujol and Joana Pérez

Duration 30 minutes

12 h / Pl. Margarita Xirgu

Enviró d’ERA

In this Enviró dERA, Quim Bigas shares with us the process of creation of the show ERA, opens up anecdotes, rescues materials and things that were made in the studio and explains a little about this ERA macramé.

Enviró dERA is a spoken and danced explanation of the gestation and creation of ERA that shows how the process sometimes transcends the result, or rather, how this process crystallises not only in the choreography and the music of the show, but also and especially in the mood, in this case in the enthusiasm of the dancers. It reveals the questions, reflections, exercises, experiences, discoveries and motivations of the creative process of ERA: from the first mail received, to walks through Gelida with Montserrat in the background, to a macramé workshop with local people and a visit to a Penedès Marítim archaeological site. An honest, personal, intelligent and not at all regulatory format.

Idea and performance Quim Bigas

Duration 45 minutes approx.

13 h / Sala MAC

L’Hereu Riera

A solo dance and performance piece that explores a constant dialogue between the primary language of traditional Catalan dance and various contemporary dance techniques. Melody and popular dance appear as a vehicle to validate traditional practices from other possible interpretations, a process that culminates in the re-appropriation of the traditional for the individual.

L’Hereu Riera is a frontier piece: It questions a diverse audience while parading on the margins of traditional and contemporary dance, shaking its limits and playing with a hybrid language. The main figure appears redefined and is presented as an opportunity to relearn the cultural legacy we have inherited, to shake it up and revive it as a communicative tool. A ritual that invites us to reflect on Catalan popular imagination and its relationship with our contemporary society. Is there room for reconciliation?

The first piece from the L’Esbord platform, a space from which to open a professional path of research and investigation of traditional Catalan dance, from the legacy of troupes to a new look at the roots: deviant, unproductive, sterile, and wild. With no transmission but equally necessary. Traditional dance with no reproductive function.

Original idea, performnce and choreography Pere Seda / Composition and musical producció and mastering Dani López / Costume design Marc Udina / Recordings used Dolors Planella (Arxiu Càntut) and Coral Sant Jordi (Apolo Records) / Mastering Victor García (Mastering Ultramarinos) / Costums making Goretti Puente / Construction of the cross Coma Fusteria / External view Marc Udina i Marina Escoda / Graphic design Marc Viamonte (Viamonte_lab)
Project L’Esbord / Coproductiomn Fira Mediterrània de Manresa / With the support Esbart Maragall, Centre Cívic Teixonera, Càntut / Thanks Cristina Boixadera, Silvia Batet i Marina Escoda. A project linked to Pla d’Impuls de la Dansa d’Arrel, powered by Direcció General de Cultura Popular i Associacionisme Cultural del Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya

Duration 19 minutes

17 h / Pl. Margarita Xirgu