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November 9 and 10
Popup - Descomptes

Recommended for all audiences

This inspiring show is based on a stark set design, which could well be a desert or a beach, and an organic and sustainable material: wood, which, working together, two individuals use to devise multiple possibilities. Drawing on an image of a society which destroys its natural resources, this piece asks whether, together, we are capable of creating something sustainable.

The projects developed by David and Tomas, members and directors of the company Kolectiv Lapso Cirk, are defined by their standout virtuosity, agility and avant-garde aesthetics. They are committed to stage risk and the rupture of theatrical dynamics. They question the performer and emphasise the importance of the materials, which, as well as serving as scenography, form the central theme of their proposals. Their previous show, Ovvio, received a number of awards.

Original idea David Díez Méndez and Tomas Václavek / Creation and direction Kolektiv Lapso Cirk / External eye Joan Catalá / Musical creation Sasha Agranov / Lights design Joan Lavandeira i Maria Papadopoulos / Interpreters David Díez Méndez, Tomas Václavek, Sasha Agranov / With the support and collaboration Mercat de les Flors, FiraTárrega, Festival TAC, LEME Festival, L’Obrador espai de creació, CIRQUEON, El Canal de Salt, Circ Cric, Zirkozaurre, La Nave del Duende, Fons europeus NextGeneration, ICEC, Generalitat de Catalunya, Ministeri de Cultura de República Txeca, CZECH Recovery Plan