10 €
18h / dg 12h
Pequeños paraísos (2006) is inspired by Hieronymus Bosch’s work The Garden of Earthly Delights. The piece, which has won prestigious prizes, is brimming with light and possesses a boundless imagination that makes the spectators smile and feel happy.
Idea and direction Enrique Cabrera
Coreography Aracaladanza
Dancers Carolina Arija Gallardo, Jimena Trueba Toca, Jorge Brea Salgueiro, Raquel de la Plaza, Jonatan de Luis Mazagatos
Original music Mariano Lozano P. Ramos
Costume design Elisa Sanz
Scenery design Elisa Sanz
Ilumination design Pedro Yagüe
Atrezzo Ricardo Vergne, El Nudo Cía Teatral
Production Aracaladanza
Coproduction Instituto Nacional de las Artes Escénicas y de la Música del Ministerio de Cultura, la Consejería de Cultura y Deportes de la Comunidad de Madrid and el Teatro de la Abadía de Madrid
Free tickets for Club Super3 members on September 26
We have reserved seats for people who use wheelchairs. Please, contact us at publics@mercatflors.cat so we can guarantee good care