80 min
10 €
20 h (diumenges i festius 18 h)
This solo by María Pagés takes its title from a poem by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and it describes the life and concerns of a woman for whom dance is both a profession and a calling. Accompanied by six musicians, the piece is a compendium of words, rhythm, cante, melody, zapateado, percussion, humour and irony. Leading the performance is a bailaora with warmth and humanity.
Maria Pagés, flamenco dancer and creator, has developed her own very distinctive language that has brought her great success and partnerships with internationally famed artists such as Mikhail Baryshnikov and Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, the latter in the much-acclaimed Dunas. Pagés, who has worked with Nobel prize-winner José Saramago, began her career with Antonio Gades. She set up her own company in 1990 and has since created numerous pieces that have led to widespread recognition.
Direction, choreography and costume design María Pagés / Dramaturgy El Arbi El Harti / Words Ibn Arabi, Ben Sahl, El Arbi El Harti, Fray Luis de León, José Agustín Goytisolo, San Juan de la Cruz, Rumi, Tagore, Mario Benedetti, Rubén Levaniegos / Music Rubén Levaniegos, María Pagés, traditional music / Lighting design Pau Fullana / Sound design Albert Cortada / Choreography assistant José Barrios / Textile dying and painting Taller María Calderón / Costumes Sandra Calderón / Graphic design mcomunicacion.com / Technical team: lighting Pau Fullana / Sound Albert Cortada / Stage manager Octavio Romero
Production María Pagés Compañía / Co-production Temporada Alta 2014, El Canal
Director María Pagés / Assistant director El Arbi El Harti / General coordination and distribution Gisela Serrano / Technical coordination Beatriz Anievas / Production Carlos del Puerto / Rehearsal coordination José Barrios / Administration Pablo Garrido