10 €
20 h (dg 18 h)
Moeder, the second volume of a trilogy that began with Vader (2014) and will close with Kinderen (2018), is a work on memory that explores the ways in which the fabric of a life is a mosaic or meshwork collectively composed. It approaches the storehouse of memory – the events whose combination and progression define who we are – not as a museum of the self, but as a laboratory whose technicians can seem like archaeologists digging into the past, or like witnesses being questioned in an open investigation whose details remain unknown to them, and to us, or like the actors of a play.
Peeping Tom explores its theme and central figure, memory and the mother, with the same tender and sardonic eye that runs through all of its productions. Moeder is at once funny and eerie; disturbing, yet strangely familiar: we recognize in it the same fascination with the sense that the world is too much for us, the same amused gaze at our faltering attempts to make it fit our notions. Not surprisingly, the players’ attempts to construct the figure of the mother and their own
interiority results, simultaneously, in their deconstruction. Moeder is directed by Gabriela Carrizo, with Franck Chartier as dramaturgical and artistic assistant, thus inverting their collaboration in Vader.
Production Peeping Tom / Direction Gabriela Carrizo / Directorial assistance and dramaturgy Franck Chartier / Creation and performance Maria Carolina Vieira, Brandon Lagaert, Hun-Mok Jung, Yi-Chun Liu, Simon Versnel, Eurudike De Beul, Charlotte Clamens / Figurants Rita Rigolfas, Xefo Guasch, Glòria Agustí, Enric Sentís, Avelina Torras, Mercedes Tura, Roma Rodrigues Ramos / Artistic assistance Diane Fourdrignier / Sound composition and arrangements Raphaëlle Latini, Renaud Crols, Glenn Vervliet, Peeping Tom / Sound mixing Yannick Willox, Peeping Tom (TBA) / Light design Giacomo Gorini, Amber Vandenhoeck / Costume design Fourdrignier, Kristof Van Hoorde, Peeping Tom / Set design Peeping Tom, Amber Vandenhoeck / Set construction KVS-atelier & Peeping Tom / Technical direction Filip Timmerman / Light engineer Amber Vandenhoeck / Sound engineer Hjorvar Rognvaldsson / Foley coach Elias Vervecken / Production and tour management Anastasia Tchernokondratenko / Company manager Quentin Legrand / Tour manager Lulu Tikovsky
Coproduction Theater im Pfalzbau (Ludwigshafen), Taipei Performing Arts Center (Taiwan), KVS – Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg (Brussel·les), Grec Festival de Barcelona / Mercat de les Flors (Barcelona), HELLERAU – European Center for the Arts Dresden, Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg, Maison de la Culture (Bourges), Scène Nationale La Rose des Vents (Villeneuve d’Ascq), Festival Aperto/Fondazione I Teatri (Reggio Emilia), La Bâtie Festival de Ginebra
Moeder is supported by Theater im Pfalzbau (Ludwigshafen, DE) and Taipei Performing Arts Center (Taiwan), key partners in the Vader, Moeder, Kinderen trilogy
Amb el suport Les autoritats amenques / Distribució Frans Brood Productions / Moeder rep el suport de Theater im Pfalzbau (Ludwigshafen, DE), un soci clau a la trilogia de Vader, Moeder i Kinderen / Thanks Alexandre Obolensky, Jean-Philippe Altenloh, Romy Beni, Heidi Ehrhart, Ina Peeters, Elias Vervecken, François Heuse, Theater Froe Froe