30 minutes
8 €
10 am, 12 am and 5 pm
Recommended for children over the age of two. Show included in the Dansa Metropolitana festival
A rich sensory adventure within a constantly transforming space: Le petit B seeks interaction and play between the dancers and the little spectators, with a scenography made of materials, shapes and sounds that the dancers modify with their movements as if by magic and which the children can decide to enter play, touch, smell or leave at any time.
With extensive training in contemporary dance, Marion Muzac teaches at the Conservatoire in Toulouse and at the Toulouse Institute of Art and Design (isdaT), where she was appointed head of dance in January 2022. Since 2001, she has combined her teaching work with the creation of her own choreographic projects, many of them designed for children and adolescents. She has been an associate artist with the L’Estive – scène Nationale de Foix et de l’Ariège and the Théâtre Rive Gauche, dance venue in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray since 2019. Muzac was made Chevalier of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in 2017.
Choreography and idea Marion Muzac / With Aimée Rose Rich, Valentin Mériot, Mostafa Ahbourrou, Maxime Guillon Roi-Sans-Sac / Interpreters Aimée Rose Rich, Valentin Mériot, Mostafa Ahbourrou, Maxime Guillon Roi-Sans-Sac, Florent Brun (2 intèrprets en alternança) / Choreography collaboration Mathilde Olivares / Scenography Émilie Faïf / Music Johanna Luz, Vincent Barrau – Jell‑oO
Production Le Gymnase CDCN Roubaix – Hauts‑de‑France pour le réseau LOOP – xarxa per la dansa i la joventut, en el marc del projecte d’encàrrec coreogràfic Les mouvements minuscules / Coproducció Le Grand Bleu Scène Conventionnée d’Intérêt National Art Enfance et Jeunesse, L’échangeur ‑ CDCN Hauts‑de‑France, La Comédie de Clermont‑Ferrand, scène nationale, La Manufacture CDCN Nouvelle‑Aquitaine Bordeaux . La Rochelle, Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine‑Saint‑Denis, Chaillot – Théâtre National de la Danse, CND Centre national de la danse, La Coursive Scène Nationale I La Rochelle, Agence culturelle départementale Dordogne‑ Périgord, Le Rive Gauche – scène conventionnée d’intérêt national art et création – danse Saint‑Étienne‑du‑Rouvray, La Place de la Danse ‑ CDCN Toulouse / Occitanie dans le cadre du dispositif d’insertion professionnelle « En Dehors », MZ Productions Spectacle créé le 15 novembre 2022 au Gymnase CDCN, dans le cadre de Forever Young ‑ le festival de danse qui grandit
This show is part of the Dansa Metropolitana festival that is celebrated from March 13 to 30 in 12 municipalities of the Metropolitan Area. More information at https://www.dansametropolitana.cat/en