20 €
10 €
20 h (diumenge 18 h)
In this new creation HUMANHOOD proposes a powerful and mystical journey through a dance-meditation. In ∞ {Infinite}, choreographers Julia Robert and Rudi Cole bring together their signature choreographic movement with their shamanic practice. The piece fuses the magical dance of the company’s exceptional dancers with inner consciousness to highlight the infinite power that flows into us and through us.
HUMANHOOD Dance Company was created in 2016 by Catalan-born Julia Robert and British-born Rudi Cole, with pieces that combine science and mysticism. The company’s work derives from their fascination with the discoveries of modern physics and the wisdom of Eastern mysticism, fusing these two seemingly contrasting and abstract worlds in the human body. The pieces are processes that weave into each other, combining spiritual and artistic growth.
Concept, direction and choreography Júlia Robert, Rudi Cole (HUMANHOOD) / Interpretation Rudi Cole, Mai Yun-Chi, Peter Butler, Piers Sanders, Romee van de Meent, Soulyun Park, Teige Bisnought, Tzu-Yi Tseng / Lighting design Tom Visser and R&J / Musical composition Iain Armstrong and R&J / Music includes Vocals by Deya Dova and Votiv by Dorisburg / Costume design Lurdes Bergada and Sygman Cucala, adaptation and changes by R&J / Set design Júlia Robert and Rudi Cole
Production Humanhood / Co-production Mercat de les Flors, rmingham 2022 Festival, The Lowry & Sadler’s Wells, Londres / Supported by Arts Council England, Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals, DanceXchange, Birmingham Hippodrome, Dance City, Elclimamola, Graner fàbrica de creació i L’Animal a l’Esquena
Mercat de les Flors associate artists supported by: