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IF Festival: Vicini

November 22th
Popup - Descomptes

The word Vicini (the Italian for “close” or “neighbours”) is based on an attempt to create an elastic and sensitive structure that perceives the continuous intertwining of individual and collective actions, both with each other and their environment. Through gestures, words and objects, the four performers on stage speak of the parallelism and connection between the “inside” and the “outside”, between perception, thought and the internal poetics of a body singular and a body multitude.

The dancer, pedagogue and choreographer Federica Porello is a member of the Mal Pelo, ZOO/ Thomas Hauert companies, as well as the Group LaBolsa collective. Her work creates a dialogue between the artistic languages of dance, music and the theatre of objects. She created the WeWood show in collaboration with Xavi Moreno and Marine Broise and worked with Xavi Moreno to produce Nowhen. In 2017, she was awarded a Premi Ciutat de Barcelona and Premi de la Crítica for her interpretation of Bach, by María Muñoz / Mal Pelo.

Creation and interpretation Federica Porello, Maria Mora, Xavi Moreno, Majo Villafaina / External look Leo Castro / Dramaturgy textos inspirados de las obras Etel Adnan “Time”, Mahmoud Darwish “Mural”, Francis Alÿs “In a given situation”, Samuel Beckett “Rumbo a peor” and Paul Auster “White Spaces” / Object construction Xavi Moreno
Production Federica Porello, artista asociada en L’animal a l’esquena / Residences Centre Cultural La Mercè (Girona), Teatre Municipal (Girona), L’animal a l’esquena (Celrà), Espai La Mutant (Valencia), Teatro alla Misericordia (Sansepolcro, ITA) / With the support Asociación Cultural La Volta (Girona), Generalitat de Catalunya, Ayuntamiento de Girona, Girona Crea, Teatre Municipal (Girona), L’animal a l’esquena (Celrà), CapoTrave/Kilowatt (Sansepolcro, ITA). Vicini forma parte del Proyecto Circula!, impulsado por las asociaciones APdC, APDCM, APDCV, ADDE, PAD, Unión Danza Visible, APDIB and PAM / Thanks to Fanny Thollot, Eduard Teixidor, Enric Fabregas, Leo Castro, Elena Carmona, Montserrat Moliner, Sara Serrano y a los participantes de los laboratorios

Images from a previous show: