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IF Festival: Hospital de campo

November 16
Popup - Descomptes

In recent years, Societat Doctor Alonso has focused its efforts on reimagining theatre, its mechanisms and limits, examining specific everyday contexts constructed on the basis of a “performance” framework within what we describe as reality. This work focuses on healing, feeling sick and being cured, on hospitals, doctors and shamans. The spectators/patients come to be cured by the doctors/puppets and the performers serve as mere mediators.

Societat Doctor Alonso, directed by Tomàs Aragay (theatre director and playwright) and Sofia Asencio (dancer and choreographer) has created a language, key to which is displacement; the positioning of something outside of its usual place, scope or space in order to examine how this displacement modifies language, both in terms of its constitutive grammar and the way it may be interpreted by an observer. Displace to reveal something. The company collaborates with a wide range of multidisciplinary artists.

Dramaturgy and direction Sofia Asencio and Tomàs Aragay / Researcher and curator Miguel Ángel Martínez / Artistic accompaniment Chico Simões (Cia. Mamulengo Presepada) / Creation and interpretation Héctor Arnau, Júlia Barbany, Beatriz Lobo, Victor Colmenero y Sofia Asencio / Creation of puppets-manipulated objects and art direction Lluc Baños / Creation of sound, scenic and lighting space Victor Colmenero / Costume design Jorge Dutor / Sound and lights technique Celina Chavat / International development Alessandra Simeoni / Executive production Imma Bové

Co-production Sala La Mutant, El Canal centre de creació d’Arts Escèniques de Salt-Girona, Festival IF / With the collaboration Festival Fit de Cadis / With the support ICEC, Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals, IBERESCENA and INAEM, Instituto Nacional de las Artes Escénicas