10 €
22 h (dissabte a les 20 h)
_ è p i c a _
Esta es la oportunidad que tanto tiempo has esperado.
Es tu momento.
Te toca bailar.
El viaje ya ha comenzado y el plan es muy sencillo:
épica #1: emanciparse
épica #2: abandonar la mirada
épica #3: aliarse en la oscuridad con otros cuerpos para llevar a cabo un plan disidente de liberación celular a través del baile.
épica #4: ¡Hola, mitosis del futuro!
In Aimar Pérez Galí’s new show four performers deliver their energy & offer theirselves as space-time excitation agents in a session of epic techno. They do it in a temporary space that uses the theatrical resources to produce an aesthetic experience operating on an affective, sensory level, while also providing a platform for feminist, post-colonial criticism, giving voice to the epic struggles that do not conform to the western canon of heterosexual norms to generate an alternative paradigm to freedom.
Dancer, choreographer, educator, researcher and writer, Aimar Pérez Galí understands dance as a tool for critical transformation. He has worked with artists such as Cuqui Jerez, Xavier Le Roy, Nicole Beutler, David Zambrano and Silvia Sant Funk, among others; he is the artistic director of Espacio Práctico and a member of the teaching team at the the Institut del Teatre Dance School in Barcelona.
Concept and direction Aimar Pérez Galí / Dance Mar Medina, Miquel Fiol, Almudena Pardo, Aimar Pérez Galí / Music Okkre / Ephemeral architecture MAIO – estudio de arquitectura / Lighting Cube.bz / Costumes Xevi Fernández / Dramaturgy Jaime Conde-Salazar & Aimar Pérez Galí / Production ANTES / Aimar Pérez Galí