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El hijo

21-23 October
  • Season


  • Duration

    50 minutes

  • Rate

    16 €


    10 €

  • Schedule

    A les 19 h (dg 18 h)

  • Room

In this work, the Canary Islands creator is interested in lineage, family ties and, above all, the magic of being alive and celebrating life. A solo performed by Abreu himself, powerfully and impeccably staged, with percussion music and an energetic and expressive dance where lighting plays a decisive and persuasive role.

With over 60 works to his name, Cía. Daniel Abreu was founded in 2004. Its choreographic language is based on the strength and personality of its dancers, on simple interpretive language tools, on suggestive images and on a sensitive sound environment. Abreu has received numerous awards including the 2014 Premio Nacional de Danza (National Dance Award of Spain) for the Creation category. He has directed for companies in Italy, Croatia, Poland and Spain. In 2018 he was appointed artistic director of Lava, a dance company in residence at the Auditorio de Tenerife, which he directed for two years.

Creation, lighting and interpretation Daniel Abreu / Assistant director Janet Novás / Playwriting support Marina Wainer / Music collage
Production subsidized by the Community of Madrid / Support on tour INAEM / In collaboration with Centro Coreográfico Canal, Escuela de Música y Danza de Pozuelo, Provisional Danza and Teatro Victoria / Thanks to Carlota Ferrer, Museo de la Universidad de Navarra, Festival de Otoño de Madrid, Dácil González, Carmen Werner, Carmen Fuentes, Mara, Carmen Benítez, Elena P., Sergio García, Lucyanna Pettengil, Centro Cultural Paco Rabal, Teatro Victoria, Festival Danzattack, Centro Cultural Eguía, Lava de Valladolid