With Guillem Mont de Palol and Jorge Dutor. Lead by Riikka Laakso (PhD in Performing Arts from the UAB, professor at the Theater Institute and dance dramaturg).
90 minutes
16 €
10 €
19 h
On this journey through the dreamlike universe of romantic ballets La Silphide, Giselle, Coppelia and Raimunda, Guillem Mont de Palol draws on the descriptive music, conventions, codes, narratives, clichés and mannerisms specific to this genre to conjure an immersive, fun and tender experience for the audience, while endeavouring to redefine this genre on the basis of action and the contemporary body. Thus, the artist offers the audience a rapturous experience in which movement, gesture and performative action surf between the concrete and the abstract. Which other stories could this dance of drama, comedy, magic, mystery and uncertainty reveal?
Guillem Mont de Palol and Jorge Dutor have been working together since 2009, producing a variety of pieces, such as I per què John Cage? (2011), # LosMicrófonos (2013), This Movie (2013) and Grand Applause (2016), as well as Lo mínimo (2018) together with artist Cris Blanco and El Movimiento (2021), many of which have been staged at the Mercat. They have also collaborated with a number of other artists, including the aforementioned Cris Blanco, Juan Domínguez, Arantxa Martínez, María Jerez, Sara Manente, Marcos Simoes and Miguel Pereira. Their work focuses on playing with language, the absurd and the everyday.
Direction Guillem Mont de Palol and Jorge Dutor / Performance Guillem Mont de Palol and Pau Caselles / Choreographic assistence Arantxa Martínez / Movement assistence Samuel Letellier / Sound design Carlos Parra / Stage space and costume design Jorge Dutor / Scenography and costum assistant Txell Janot/ Light design Arnau Sala / Executive production Imma Bové
Coproduction Mercat de les Flors, Antic Teatre, Centro de Cultural Contemporánea Condeduque / With the support La Poderosa; Beca Premi Ciutat de Barcelona 2023; El Canal, centre de creació de Salt; La Caldera; Graner fàbrica de creació; L’Animal a l’esquena; Cardant Cultura – Can Grau; Azkuna Zentroa Alhondiga Bilbao
With Guillem Mont de Palol and Jorge Dutor. Lead by Riikka Laakso (PhD in Performing Arts from the UAB, professor at the Theater Institute and dance dramaturg).