With prior session and tactile visit at 6:30 p.m. for blind people. Registration at publics@mercatflors.cat
(this session is carried out within the framework of the research project on co-audio description methods of dance. A project coordinated by Magdalena Garzón and Mauricio Sierra, choreographers and researchers of the performing arts, with the collaboration of companies).
Free activity after the performances (free access with the performance ticket, depending on the available capacity)
What have we seen? What have we experienced? In a diverse format, we propose a post-function space in the shows of the family artistic programming of the Mercat de les Flors-Talla Única. They are proposals for dialogue and practice with the companies to deepen the creation processes and the poetic universes of the different stage works and the artists.
A program of the Mercat de les Flors, coordinated and lead by Magdalena Garzón, artist and dance teacher.
50 minutes
12 €
10 €
6 pm
Recommended for ages 8 and up
In this new creation, a group of children aged 8 to 10 are invited on stage. There has been no group rehearsal or preparation before going on stage, but together with Animal Religion they will go through a playful, emotional and eclectic show where the only guide is the act of copying, the inherent repetition in the acts of human beings that plays an important role in the evolution of society.
Animal Religion is a circus company interested in the search for new paths within contemporary circus and interdisciplinarity. Their three main areas of work are the circus, light and music. In their 11-year career they have produced 9 shows with very different formats, collaborated with more than 30 artists from all over the world and received commissions from venues such as the TNC, Mercat de les Flors, FiraTàrrega, the TNT Festival and the Auditori de Barcelona. They have received several awards and recognitions, including the Premi Especial Ciudat de Barcelona for the show Sifonòfor in 2016.
Direction Animal Religion / Circus Quim Giron / Light i scenography Jou Serra / Music and dramaturgy Joan Cot Ros / Light construction Cube Peak / Administrative production ElClimaMola / Tour management Imaginart
Coproduction Mercat de les Flors, laSala Centre de Creació d’Arts Per a les Famílies (Sabadell) Sabadell / With the collaboration Espacio Abierto Quinta de los Molinos (Madrid) and Can Gassol Centre d’Arts Escèniques (Mataró) / Thanks Escola Marta Mata (Mataró), Escola Rocafonda (Mataró), Escola Angeleta Ferrer (Mataró), Escola Les Escomes (Sant Jaume de Llierca), Escola Sant Julià (Sabadell), Escola Can Deu (Sabadell), CEIP San Benito (Madrid) and all those class groups and families who have accompanied us during this creation process. We also want to thank Irene Vicente, Moon Ribas, Sergio Roca and Núria Cuyàs for their help during the creation
With prior session and tactile visit at 6:30 p.m. for blind people. Registration at publics@mercatflors.cat
(this session is carried out within the framework of the research project on co-audio description methods of dance. A project coordinated by Magdalena Garzón and Mauricio Sierra, choreographers and researchers of the performing arts, with the collaboration of companies).
Free activity after the performances (free access with the performance ticket, depending on the available capacity)
What have we seen? What have we experienced? In a diverse format, we propose a post-function space in the shows of the family artistic programming of the Mercat de les Flors-Talla Única. They are proposals for dialogue and practice with the companies to deepen the creation processes and the poetic universes of the different stage works and the artists.
A program of the Mercat de les Flors, coordinated and lead by Magdalena Garzón, artist and dance teacher.