During this season, these sessions will have simultaneous translation in Catalan Sign Language (CSL).
Només queden 68 places!
Només queden 67 places!
22 €
8 pm
Marta Izquierdo continues her choreographic exploration of female communities and their practices. ROLL is inspired by the 1975 film Rollerball, about the extreme contact sport, roller derby, which has undergone a revival since 2000 and is played mainly by women. Thus, with imagery inspired by horror and punk cinema, this piece incorporates new feminist and LGBTQI+ currents. An intense piece with socio-political overtones.
Marta Izquierdo’s artistic language is nourished bythe counterculture born of the post-Franco movida madrileña movement in Madrid and experienced in the working-class gypsy neighbourhood of Carabanchel, as well as the discovery of the Japanese Butoh dance. She founded her own company in 2007 in France after performing in prestigious productions. Her work mainly focuses on female figures torn between marginality and mass culture, with the blending of registers at the heart of all her creations. The prestigious French dance critic, Rossita Boisseau, said of her: “Marta Izquierdo Muñoz is a true comic who could drag us into a tragedy. Except that she has decided she is going to come out on top.”
Choreography Marta Izquierdo Muñoz / Choreography assistant Éric Martin / Interpreters Cécile Chatignoux alias Speaker, Amandine Ételage alias Mandy’Bull, Mary-Isabelle Laroche alias Pop Wheels, Eric Martin alias Dirty Bambi, Barbara Papamiltiadou alias Why So Sirius? / Music composition & sound design Benoist Bouvot / Lighting design Anthony Merlaud / Cstume Élise Le Du / Dramaturgical advice Youness Anzane / Technical direction on tour Alessandro Pagli / Internacional distribution Àngels Queralt
Co-productions & supports Festival Montpellier Danse, Le Carreau du Temple – Establecimiento cultural y deportivo de la Ville de Paris, La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse / Occitanie, Centro Coreográfico Nacionalde Grenoble, La Chaufferie – DCA (St-Denis), Le Parvis – Scène Nationale de Tarbes, L’animal a l’esquena (Celrà – España).
This project is the winner of the Cultural Olympiad – Paris 2024 device.
NOTA: During this constellation, other activities and events will take place around this project and the skating universe
During this season, these sessions will have simultaneous translation in Catalan Sign Language (CSL).